On April 9, the Deadline Club hosted a panel of top experts in big data, media ethics and the First Amendment to debate the thorny issues related to secrecy, computer-assisted reporting and the Freedom of Information Act. About 75 journalists and students packed the room at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in Times Square to hear this spirited conversation.
The panelists included Bill Keller, a Pulitzer prize-winning New York Timescolumnist and the newspaper’s former top editor; Jennifer LaFleur, Director of the Computer Assisted Reporting at ProPublica; Jeff Jarvis, author of Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live and Director of the CUNY Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism; Susan McGregor, Professor at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and former Senior News Graphics programmer at the Wall Street Journal Online; and Eve Burton, General Counsel at Hearst. The panel was moderated by Deadline Club Vice President of Events Jessica Seigel, an Adjunct Professor at New York University Journalism School and former Chicago Tribune National Correspondent.
Read articles about this panel in the Columbia Journalism Review and The Epoch Times.