Upcoming Events

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Upcoming Events

IRE & SPJ/Deadline Club Meetup

Wednesday, September 4, 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Join us for our Fall Kickoff—a Joint Meetup between IRE-Investigative Reporters and Editors & SPJ/Deadline Club—on Wednesday, September 4, 6:30-9 p.m. The recently changed venue is Midtown mecca Stitch Bar & Blues247 W. 37th St. (separate upstairs bar) near Times Square.

Enjoy free entry and a cash bar (with snacks also available for purchase). Catch up with colleagues and peers, network with new contacts, share reporting tips, and compare notes on elections.

You can join—or rejoin—SPJ and the Deadline Club at: https://www.spj.org/join.asp. Indicate you’re joining SPJ with a chapter and type in New York Deadline Club. You can also renew through your SPJ account—or create a new one. Current SPJ members who want to join our dues-free Deadline Club chapter can just let us know at: info@deadlineclub.org.

A recurring series

Media Law Office Hours

“Media Law Office Hours” with attorney Matthew Leish is a pro bono service to all Deadline Club members. If you aren’t already a member, visit spj.org/join to sign up and select “New York Deadline Club” as your chapter.

Taking place the first Monday of every Month over Zoom, the open group session allows journalists with legal questions to help find answers on issues related to the First Amendment, Freedom of Information, copyright, defamation, or other media law matters.

Registration is open for the remaining sessions in 2024. Click on the link below to view the available dates and sign up today!

Past Events

Digging for the Big Scoop

Publishing Without Peril

Eat, Drink, Love, Write

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